I was thinking about love today and the fact that when faced with it my answer was always…
So quick from the lips…said so boldly and with so much fear at the same time. It the pain we try to avoid, along with the surrender. We put up shields the Enterprise would envy to guard our poor aching hearts…
But I’m a faker…and I think my stories tell on me…
_____________________________ Chosen Available Soon from Silk’s Vault Publishing http://www.silksvault.com/home.html ______________________________
The picture above has little to do with the actual story and more to do with the inspiration in which the story was conceived. Chosen is…like that.
When I know more about the release date and things like that I’ll be sure to inform. But for now I am just content to say that I am thrilled to be working at the Vault. They are an amazing, impressive group of people. And that I hope that I came close to touching the beauty of my inspiration…