
kissesThis brought me ... joy.

Thank you, Julianne:)



Saphira Morgan has had a very tough year. Her husband has cheated on her with his secretary. Her only comfort is her hobby, which is painting.

Ransom Morgan doesn’t know why his wife is becoming more and more distant toward him. He is running for Mayor, and he wants his wife back.

Ransom purchased Rousseau Manor for his wife because of the paintings of the faeries inside the house. Saphira enjoys painting the faeries; it helps her forget the envelopes full of pictures of his affair. One evening at the manor, Saphira is attacked by an escaped convict, and the faeries help her escape by bringing the two into the world in which they’ve been trapped for years by the owner of the house, Vincent Rousseau. Ransom goes to the manor when Saphira doesn’t come home. He, too, is taken into the faeries’ room. Saphira is convinced she is in a dream and wants to wake up. There are all sorts of creatures and beings in this world, but somewhere in the back of Saphira’s mind, they seem familiar. Inside this world is also the jealous mistress, a pack of horny satyrs, and a murderous madman--and nothing will be the same again.

Seduction Of The Fae was a little difficult for me to follow at first. The plot was complicated but enjoyable. Raquel Taylor does a fantastic job creating this mystical, magical world. The sex is intense and wild and fantastic. Ms. Taylor has a wonderful ability to take the story through the twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Two Lips Reviews



Niiice! I really love your page!

Caffey said...

Hi Raquel! Thrilled to find your blog and too a good review!! I shall be visiting more!